Recently, the National Memorial of the Heroes of Heavenly Hundred - the Museum of the Revolution of Dignity and the architectural bureau "Kleihues + Kleihues Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH", the winner of the "Museum of the Revolution of Dignity" nomination, announced the search for a general designer for the museum building.
8 Ukrainian companies submitted applications. These are companies with certified specialists, experience in building public buildings and experience with budget financing:
• Subsidiary enterprise "Institute Kievinzhproekt" LLC "PC Design Complex";
• LLC "Bureau of investment projects - project management";
• LLC "Urban Expert";
• PE "Architectural bureau" Yu. Borodkin ";
• "Architecture and design group of Anna Kiire" LLC;
• LLC "Terra Project";
• Subsidiary "Institute Kievproekt-5" LLC "Architectural group K-5";
The next stage involves the selection by the German company "Kleihues + Kleihues Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH" for few negotiations to be held in August and the beginning of the RFP procedure (request for proposal).
About RFP
We remind that according to the results of the International Open Architectural Competition for the best project proposal for the "National Memorial Complex of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes” - the Museum of the Revolution of Dignity (Kyiv) the winner of the contest was the architectural bureau "Kleihues + Kleihues Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH "from Germany.
In accordance with Article 20 of the Law of Ukraine "On Architectural Activities", foreigners and stateless persons who have not received the corresponding qualification certificate on the territory of Ukraine can perform design work only on the basis of contracts with business entities licensed to perform certain types of economic construction activities, or with specialists who have a qualification certificate.